Chapter 19 is titled "Charting the Codes of Cyberspace: A Rhetoric of Electronic Mail." Author Judith Yaross Lee states that e-mail and other similar media heavily resemble formats from letter writing. However, according to Lee, this writing does differ from writing that took place before e-mail. E-mail allows for immediacy, but it lacks intimacy and often leads to misunderstandings, which can be avoided by the use of emoticons. Lee's point is that communication in cyberspace is new and different from any other form of communication and doesn't entirely compare to one medium or another.
Chapter 20 is titled "What's Fueling the Flames in Cyberspace? A Social Influence Model." In this chapter, Author Philip A. Thompsen argues that flaming involves a relationship between people that has been formed through any form of computer media, and that how one interprets a message is equally part of the flaming as the person who sent the message. He defines flaming as sending any insulting, profane, vituperative message through electronic media.
Chapter 12 is titled "Constructing the Virtual Organization: Using a Multimedia Simulation for Communication Education." Author Terri Toles Patkin discusses the psychological implications of Virtual Reality and what cognitive processes are involved. She also writes about the practical, real-life uses of VR.
Chapter 13 is titled "Online Education Unbound." Online education has become widely used, due to its low cost and flexibility. Author Paul Levinson writes that online education has many advantages: it doesn't require transportation, it is time-flexible so that people can take their class any time, it is usually inexpensive, and it allows students to interact with other students. There are also several drawbacks, including the fact that complex science courses with laboratory components do not translate well to online media.
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